Magical Moments: Bringing Your Baby to Character Meet and Greets at Walt Disney World

character meet and greet at Disney

Can I Bring My Baby to Character Meet and Greets?

One of the most magical experiences at Walt Disney World is getting to meet and interact with beloved Disney characters. As a parent, it’s only natural to want to share this experience with your little one. But you may wonder if it’s suitable to bring your baby to character meet and greets. The good news is that Disney is a family-friendly destination, and they have made accommodations to ensure that even the youngest visitors can enjoy these special moments. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about bringing your baby to character meet and greets at Walt Disney World.

1. Accessibility for Babies

Disney understands that families with infants and toddlers are an essential part of their guest base, and they strive to make character meet and greets as accessible as possible for parents with young children. Most character meet and greets have designated areas for families with strollers, providing a convenient space to park your stroller while you wait to meet your favorite characters. These areas are designed to accommodate families and make the experience as comfortable as possible for both parents and babies.

2. Safety Considerations

When bringing your baby to character meet and greets, it’s essential to prioritize their safety. Disney takes the safety of its guests, including the littlest ones, very seriously. To ensure a safe environment, there are a few guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Stay within arm’s reach: While waiting in line or during the meet and greet, always keep your baby within arm’s reach to ensure their safety and prevent any accidents.
  • Follow Cast Member instructions: The Disney Cast Members are there to help ensure a smooth and safe experience for everyone. Listen to their instructions and follow their guidance when it comes to interacting with the characters.
  • Be cautious of character movements: Some characters have oversized hands, feet, or accessories that could accidentally bump into your baby. Keep a watchful eye to avoid any unintentional contact.
  • Mind the crowd: Character meet and greets can get crowded, especially during peak times. Be mindful of the crowd and be prepared to modify your plans if necessary to maintain a comfortable and safe environment for your baby.

3. Time Considerations

Bringing a baby to a character meet and greet requires some extra planning, particularly when it comes to timing. Babies have different schedules and may need regular naps or feeding breaks. Taking these factors into account, here are a few tips to ensure a smooth experience:

  • Pick the right time: Try to time your character meet and greet around your baby’s schedule. Consider their nap times and meal times to maximize their comfort during the experience.
  • FastPass+ reservations: Utilize the FastPass+ system to reduce wait times and ensure you can enjoy character meet and greets without spending too much time in line. This can be a lifesaver when traveling with a baby.
  • Take breaks: If your baby gets fussy during the meet and greet, don’t hesitate to take a break. Disney parks offer plenty of quiet areas where you can temporarily step away to soothe your little one.

4. Special Considerations for Babies

When bringing a baby to a character meet and greet, there are certain considerations to keep in mind to enhance their experience:

  • Show your baby’s excitement: Even if your baby is too young to express their enthusiasm, you can show and talk about the characters with them. Babies pick up on their parents’ excitement, so share your joy and create a magical atmosphere for both of you.
  • Photography options: Disney offers professional photography services during character meet and greets. Take advantage of these opportunities to capture magical moments with your baby and their favorite characters.
  • Be prepared: Babies have different needs, so make sure you have everything you may require, such as diapers, wipes, extra clothes, and snacks. Being prepared will help ensure a comfortable experience for both you and your baby.


Bringing your baby to character meet and greets at Walt Disney World can be a wonderful experience for the entire family. Disney understands the needs of families with young children and has made accommodations to make these interactions as accessible and enjoyable as possible. With proper planning, prioritizing safety, and considering your baby’s schedule and needs, you can create magical memories that will last a lifetime.

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